Saturday, June 28, 2014

Abandoned Lentang Mini Hydro

Hidden amid the beauty and tranquility
of the Lentang Recreational Park by the Karak Highway near Bentong
is the abandoned Lentang Mini Hydro,
which in the 80ies was churning out about 1 MW of free power
to the national grid until it was abandoned probably in the late 90ies.
This is one project worth reviving
to help satisfy our power needs.

Lentang falls

The abandoned station

Corroded zinc wall

Friday, June 20, 2014

Drying up at Sungai Selangor Dam

Global warming and the return of El Nino
is bad news for Malaysian especially those living in Klang Valley.
What that was once enough 10 years ago might not be sufficient today
with rapid urbanization which is becoming an irreversible trend,
source of clean water is becoming scarce

Sungai Selangor Dam at Kuala Kubu Baru,
the main source of clean water for Klang Valley
at 43.79% of its capacity yesterday.
Dam Level

At full capacity on my first visit February 2011.

With a water crisis looming again and this time for real,
something drastic have to be done like speeding up completion of  the Pahang-Selangor Raw Water Transfer Project and
cleaning up or treating the alternative source of water from mining ponds
which have been said to contain trace of heavy metals before pumping it into the Selangor river.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pristine Bera Lake

Bera Lake,a pristine place that time has forgotten,
Malaysia very first Ramsar site,
the largest fresh water lake in peninsular,
a remote wetland wilderness yet to be discovered by many.

The beautiful and under utilized jetty.

Arowana fish seems to be the mascot of this place
but i have yet to see any.

Kayak is available for rent here.

Sunset time