Friday, October 23, 2020

Mysterious Well by the Rompin River

Me and my son stumbled upon this mysterious and abandoned water well 
by the Rompin river near Kampung Rantau Panjang 
on one of our beachcombing trip to the east coast sometime back. 
River erosion at this bend must have taken down the houses here 
leaving the nicely dug and arranged well rings standing bare.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

In search of the missing Labuan Railway Tunnel entrance

I guess i  have actually found it 10 years ago 
and totally forgotten about it 
until i saw a Facebook post about it. It was found after doing an image overlay of a rough map 
i got from either the Labuan or Chimney Museum on the Google Earth 
and later confirming the spot with a photo taken form a hill just opposite it 
since the location of the coal mine Railway tunnel entrance 
is now a security area of the Army.

The photo of the map i took from the museum

The image overlay on Google Earth

and the dash of the railway line and tunnel on the map matches the odd bushes

These two 1945 WW2 photos of the tunnel opening from the Australian War Memorial

Friday, May 22, 2020

Bark Canoe of Pekan Water Craft Gallery

A rare find,a replica of an antique Jakun's Bark Canoe
at the Pekan Water Craft Gallery,Pahang.
Made most probably from Meranti bark and rattan as written
in the Journal of The Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
(as there was no description of the beautiful exhibit when i visited a few years back)


-as mention in the 1907 report by Dr W.L.Abbott, this 'Rapako' made by the Jakuns
was for a single journey use, to bring down jungle produce
down the  Rompin river.

Similar craft was also found to be made by the Dyaks in Borneo
with a different tree bark.

Reference:- Bark Canoes Among The Jakuns and Dyaks
by Dr. W. L. Abbott JSBRAS  no:49 Dec 1907

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Farewell to the Iconic Horse Head Arch

A sad farewell to the one and only Horse Head Arch in Malaysia
which was reported to have collapsed on the 22nd February,
below was the photo i took in 2010 when i stumbled upon this majestic arch
at the sea cliffs of Tusan Beach,not far from Miri.

linking to Our World Tuesday