in a local record time of 17 days(double shift)
breaking the previous known record set at the same site by a day.

Pok Ghani Long beside the turbine rotor.

Mahyiddin 'Chot' our experience crane driver
lowering the exhaust plenum roof.

Irwan watching over the loosening of the bearing no:1 cover bolts.

Ghani and Dollah 'hello' working on the bearing no:2 cover.

Faizul 'Panjang' and the turbine compartment side enclosure.

After a hard days work,the crew were given a treat
at the new (sea food)Komplex Ikan Bakar Terapung Kuala Sungai Baru
by Mr Chew their generous boss.

A nice watch tower.

A floating surau for visitors.

Mr Choo on the right always smile.

View Komplex Ikan Bakar Terapung Kuala Sungai Baru in a larger map
danger lor...i saw it before
What is the danger?
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