situated at the mouth of Selungun River about 2.5km south of
Kampung Kuala Nyalau,which is another 90km by road from Bintulu,Sarawak.
Locals call it Batu Selungun,Lungun meaning coffin in Iban,
the green growth on top of it was once shape like one
until the front part was eroded.
Access to this rock is by boat or by treking along the beach from the village.
I think this is the only Natural Arch shape like an elephant in Malaysia.

It is nice to be there at low tide as you can easily move around the rock.

A view from under the arch.

From this angle it look like a rhino.

The rivermouth of Selungun River in the background.

Helmi's pose.

Shukri,Fazillah and Helmi in front of the arch.

Look who is on top.

Our ride, a 7m long fibreglass boat belonging to Helmi's uncle.

View Elephant rock of Sungai Selungun in a larger map
kuasa tuhan... tiada siapa yg dapat menandinginya... =)
Latest entry:
Bazar Iftar Bazar Berbuka Puasa...
wow!!! looks like the one in Guilin China
Wow so look beautiful friend
Wooo, never knew have this in Sarawak. Looks cool though :)
cantik betul bentuk batu itu, unik :)
Anastasyea,kelana fana,
Yah,Tuhan yg menentukan segala-galanya dan memang satu2nya sahaja di M'sia.
Did you post any picture of the Guilin one in your blog?
Ezra Sang,
I found another 4 beautiful natural sea arch further up at Tg Bungai and Tg Batu nearer to Miri,will post it later.
My Dream Come True,
Welcome to my blog,
glad that you like the photos.
tersangat la cantik dan uniknya...
lawatan perdana. salam dari Indonesia..
nuff ads ^^
Very nice :) and tks for visiting again.
that is an interesting looking rock formation...
beautiful pictures. :)
I want to come there
Kamsiah,Media,M.Kate,papabear,jg & Indahnya Kebersamaan,
Thanks for visiting and many more beautiful
pictures of undiscovered Sarawak coming up.
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