My quick stroll of the two main trail of Tanjung Tuan or Cape Rachado
was actually in search of the illusive whirlpool of the cape
which only make its appearance when the tide are at its highest
(sometime during full moon)
A local tells me of two whirlpool,
one at low tide and another at high tide.
(left side, viewed from the light house)
Well! It's still as illusive as ever but
anyhow i hope to catch it some other day.

The sign at the entrance of the trail to the Hang Tuah's footprint,
it's somewhere half way between the park's gate and the lighthouse.

This old well could dates back to the sixteen century or more.

Pulau Masjid view from here.

A survey marker.

This is the view that i like most.

Pulau Masjid view from here.

The old light house of Cape Rachado.

A survey marker.

A view of the beach below from the light house,
beware the cliff is very steep any fall could be fatal.
The lighthouse trail starts somewhere on the left of the lighthouse.
These shellfish are trying very hard to hide.
At every beach i go to there is always a very special corner
where all the rubbish are naturally accumulated.
Please recycle,use less plastic and if you still can't live without it,
The crystal clear waters of the beaches directly facing the Malacca straits.

Slide show
One week tide predictions
Ecology of Tg Tuan
View Tanjung Tuan in a larger map

Slide show
One week tide predictions
Ecology of Tg Tuan
View Tanjung Tuan in a larger map
been there once but did not have time to explore a lot. liked the view up there.
Your photos were very fantastic and very nice. Keep it up
good plc to chill out but the viewing platform doesn't seem to be well-maintained. And the rubbish - jeez. It's Malaysian thingy. so sad.
thomas...bila u nak sampai ke utara ni-kedah...
I think U will like Sedim Top Tree Walk...
Went there few years back and this photos of yours brought back the memories, I enjoyed the trip then.
nice nice.. tapi sampah sarap tu mencacatkan permandangan.
seeing those photos remind me the fauna & Flore of Mauritius.... I love the view from the lighthouse so if it's calling out for adventure :)
This is the place that I hear so much about those migratory birds, but still don't have time to visit. I will go there..., I will.
Nice pictures, esp that seascape.
nice place..nk bawak adik2 dtg sini la~
I went to Malacca but didn't get to go to the jungle. Next time I must.
There were caves, but plenty of falling rocks so I didn't venture into the caves.
nice blogs and lovely pictures
keep it up cheer
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