around the quiet old town of Kuala Kubu Baru,
a place normally bypassed by those going up to Fraser's Hill.
I was on my way to the Selangor River Dam
on the old winding road to Fraser's Hill,Tras and Raub.
Looking back in time,this town was build after a big flood struck the old place
caused by a broken dam and now with the new Sungai Selangor Dam
even bigger and the highest in Malaysia.
I was wondering whether there are any safety features installed for the town
like flood level alarm or siren just in case
if there is any sudden big release of water from the dam
so as not to let history repeat itself.

Empty corridor of a deserted corner shop.

The old police station lays majestically on top of a small hill.

The old Fire station.

A colonial lion themed wind gauge,
lion is the symbol of the strength and courage
used by the British.

A small chimney for every shop here.

The old clock tower,build in 1931
to commemorate the coronation of
King George and Queen Elizabeth.
View Kuala Kubu Baru in a larger map
love the photos, esp the 1st and 2nd. i missed this while i was in Malaysia last summer. thanks for sharing!
Interesting :)
bandar ini saya 'tumpang lalu' nak balik Kuala Lipis (lama dah xlalu). Di bandar ni projek pertama saya masa masuk keje dulu (mid-80) & bandar ini juga disejarahkan sebagai bandar pertama dibangunkan mengikut "konsep Garden City" di Malaysia. Nice Photo Thomas!
sewaktu saya belajar di Tanjong Malim dahulu selalu juga saya ke KKB. Ia sebuah bandar yang penuh citarasa klasik. KKB bandar yang indah. Tahniah atas gambar-gambar yang menarik.
beauty photos of Kuala Kubu Baru old town :)
nice share my friend
I love to stroll...this place is like a down memory lane...walking in the past memories of those buildings which have so many stories to narrate behind each facade hope you had a great time there take care Thomas ^_^
nice photos ;)
What a coincidence, just went to Fraser's Hill on Saturday :-)
tak pernah sampai KKB. hope will be there someday. berapa lama eh dari KKB ke fraser hills?
From KKB to Fraser's Hill should be about 45 min and don't forget the one way traffic up and down the hill.
Route map
I like the first two landscape shots the most.
Sure this place has a lot of interesting buildings!
rindunye kat kuala kubu baru.
dulu kecik2 selalu dtg sini sbb mak kerja kat pertak.
anyway nice shots!
ni HDR ke?
Thomas, masih 1way ke? jalan turun-naik Freser hill dah ada berasingan kan. xpayah tunggu.
is it the old fire station still operating?
No more in operation,shifted to new and bigger place.
Last saya pergi 2009,sekarang saya ingat masih sama lagi.
the old fire station is no more in operation,
it shifted to a new and bigger place.
Love all these photos. Never been in Kuala Kubu Baru yet.
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