the main revenue contributor for this small island
besides the Offshore Financial Services
and it's duty free status.
Three island in a row,
from right Kuraman,Rusukan Kecil and Rusukan Besar Island.
Rusukan Kecil Island when view from here
looks like a female corpse and is known as 'Pulau Mayat'
or Corpse Island by those who have seen it. Mean while the island by the side,Rusukan Island looks like a male corpse.
Dusk at the water outlet of Petronas Methanol 1.
View Rusukan Kecil Island in a larger map
Seriously, those photos are not real! I mean, they look amazing...
And, the name of the corpse island is very reasonable. A little creepy, though... :-S
really beautiful. i like it. :) superb!
Beautiful! My personal fave is pic no.1
By the way, you were on assignment in Labuan, or on vacation?
Happy Holiday!
sunsetnya menakjubkan...
de engineur,
I'm on an assignment,i'm definitely a millionaire if i were to fly everywhere and take all those photos,hah!hah!
it looks beautiful but a little creepy to be there alone :)
Latest: Featured on Magazine!
i always go alone and some are creepier still.
Beautiful pictures... wish I can visit there too.
One day I will! I know... ^^
thanks for sharing~
Cantiknya, nak kongsi gambar ni dengan kawan2 kat Labuan...
wak pon sukak golden moemnt like this...,, eeeeE wak dh dateng niiii nk komen komennnnn..........
Nice shoot bro...well done!
Suka sunset ni... cantik sangat! superb!
sangat sukaaaaa!!!!! like 1000x!
Beautiful sunset photos, keep on capturing "creepy" pictures for us will you?.. :-)
Seram pulak tengok 'pulau mayat' waktu senjakala..indahnya alam milik Allah d'captured' dgn begitu cantik. Banyak photos dah 'miss' ni kena tengok slow-slow he..he..
suka tgk cahaya matahari tempias awan cantik..
Excellent photos. It is nice to see sun sets.
another lovely set of photos of nature Thomas happy holidays my friend take care ^_^
apakah ada yang bisa bantu saya membuat free backlink di blog saya rapat dan terlihat lebih rapih???.. mohon bantuan..
The sky in the first few pics look a bit scary.... but nice pics!
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