The fear of radiation from the LYNAS rare earth refining plant in Gebeng,the world largest,
about 20km from Kuantan have been the talk of the town and country for quite some time
with protests spearheaded by SMSL
and with the green issues now being link to the 13th Malaysian General Election
with the participation of the Wong Tack the chairman of 'Himpunan Hijau'
the major green movement in Malaysia as the Pakatan Rakyat candidate
in the Bentong Parlimentary seat.
A win for him will mean a voice for the green movement in Parliment.
normal readings for now..
Will the future of people of Kuantan be like this corpse like rock of Batu Balok?
What will this tranquil scene of the Balok river be like
with waste water discharge flowing into it years from now?
how about the Balok mangrove forest?
a muddy Sungai Tunggak.
Junction of Balok and Tunggak river.
A fishermen cleaning his net at the Balok river mouth,
wonder what will his catch be like a few years from now? OEKO report
watching the returning fishermen at the river mouth is a favourite past time for many on weekends
especially during low tide.
early boats leaving for another day at sea.
let us hope a new sunrise will come on the 6th of May
which will bring lots of good news to the people of Kuantan.
Almost every year there will be a pair of nesting Yellow-vented Bulbul
on this particular bougainvillea plant of my semi deserted house in Klang.
(19th Mar)
(20th Mar)
In a few days time this pair will be flying off.
(25th MAR)
Feeding time.
Flying off for more food.
They are gone when i came back from my holidays on the 1st of April.