on this particular bougainvillea plant of my semi deserted house in Klang.
(19th Mar)

(20th Mar)

In a few days time this pair will be flying off.
(25th MAR)

Feeding time.

Flying off for more food.

They are gone when i came back from my holidays on the 1st of April.
Nice and the nature environment is alive in your pictures.
I love it, Thomas!
so nice photo journal bro thomas..
Love that..thank you for sharing them, the story.
wah cantiknye gambar.. n the baby birds are so cute
TQ 4sharing, gitu rupenye anak burung. how often burung ni bertelur kat pokok tu? Brapa lama u ambik masa ngintai 2take the photos? he..he.. banyak tanya plak.
mungkin dah lima kali bertelur,setahun sekali je,around March to April,tapi tak pasti pasangan yg sama tak,
masa dari bertelur sampai boleh terbang hampir 2 minggu.
thomas, u tak jwb lagi berapa lama u ambil masa utk take the photo :) nak tau gak ni
14 hari,dari 19 march sampai 1 april.
nice sharing bro...just like a story :)
kat pokok halaman rumah saya pun pernah terjadi mcm tu jugak..burung buat sarang,bertelur,menetas...kemudian terbang pergi..seronok dengar bunyi anak burung...rasa mcm dok kat kampung ja
such a nice pics ever!
Nice photo journal! Great to be able to photograph their progress. Some birds fly and take away their young ones, or just abandon the eggs the moment they realise that human touched the nest.
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