which was opened in 1971.
i would say it was a very popular theme park during its heyday
with attractions such as Prehistoric Animal park,Maze,motels,
fishing,boating,lakeside restaurant and a big pool with slides
(the main attraction)
but all the good times have to come to an end in 1994
after some landslide at the pool took a life a year earlier
and the rest was history.

Super slash was the main attraction of Mimaland,
probably the highest and the only one in Malaysia at that time.

The Bagans was a popular place for company seminars
because of it's quiet and tranquil surroundings.

Boating was a popular activity for dating couples in the 80ies.

the fishing pier and abundance of tilapia fish.

a map from Google above and a Google Earth photo below of the present site in 2010,
notice how bad the land side at the pool area have worsen.

A view from the top of the slide.

Some shot of the Pre-Historic Animal Kingdom converted from 36mm film

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