which was opened in 1971.
i would say it was a very popular theme park during its heyday
with attractions such as Prehistoric Animal park,Maze,motels,
fishing,boating,lakeside restaurant and a big pool with slides
(the main attraction)
but all the good times have to come to an end in 1994
after some landslide at the pool took a life a year earlier
and the rest was history.

Super slash was the main attraction of Mimaland,
probably the highest and the only one in Malaysia at that time.

The Bagans was a popular place for company seminars
because of it's quiet and tranquil surroundings.

Boating was a popular activity for dating couples in the 80ies.

the fishing pier and abundance of tilapia fish.

a map from Google above and a Google Earth photo below of the present site in 2010,
notice how bad the land side at the pool area have worsen.

A view from the top of the slide.

Some shot of the Pre-Historic Animal Kingdom converted from 36mm film

View Mimaland in a larger map
Mimaland. First time dengar.
Nampak menarik aktiviti yang ada.
Tapi sayangnya Mimaland ni dah tak ada.
Memang tinggal sejarah.
Nice photographs. Thank you for sharing.
Hello Thomas,
Happy New Year to you n family. Have a nice celebration & great year.
Thanks,same to you too.
keren ya
Happy Chinese New Year to u & family Thomas
Happy CNY to U..kalau ada limau lebih tu...pass2 le kt kulim..:)
So sad to know that this amazing place has gone to soon.
I have heard the name mimaland before but never seen it. Thanks for sharing :)
p/s Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family. Have a blessed CNY :)
Heard about this place before but never been there.
nostalgia tu...
TQ 4sharing, Yg lahir tahun 80-an mesti xtau! dah 'terkubur' & tinggal sejarah! dah jadi apa kat situ ye!
most beautiful view
menabung kat sini
tinggal terbiar saja sampai sekarang.
Sedih bla bca tentang tempat ni sb ada bnyak kenangan manis kt situ...skrg masih mengoogle kisah kenapa tempat ni boleh di tutup..kli terakhir di situ bermlam di motel thun 1993
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