was one that every Egyptian King would want to have a part with
for it's believed that divine spirit here
will be able to transform a new ruler
to joint the ranks of other Egyptian god-kings.

one for the road

The remaining Obelisk from a pair,the other Luxor Obelisk
was given to France by the Egyptian Ottoman ruler.

The Majestic Luxor Temple as night falls...

The lighted up Minaret of the Mosque of Abu el-Haggag in the middle.

Later years add on probably by a Coptic Church...

remains of 'The Last Supper' mural.

Josephine and Anita never get enough posing.

Papyrus columns

Minaret of the Mosque of Abu el-Haggag in the compound.

formation flying ....

The Michael Angel church viewed from Luxor Railway Station