was one that every Egyptian King would want to have a part with
for it's believed that divine spirit here
will be able to transform a new ruler
to joint the ranks of other Egyptian god-kings.

one for the road

The remaining Obelisk from a pair,the other Luxor Obelisk
was given to France by the Egyptian Ottoman ruler.

The Majestic Luxor Temple as night falls...

The lighted up Minaret of the Mosque of Abu el-Haggag in the middle.

Later years add on probably by a Coptic Church...

remains of 'The Last Supper' mural.

Josephine and Anita never get enough posing.

Papyrus columns

Minaret of the Mosque of Abu el-Haggag in the compound.

formation flying ....

The Michael Angel church viewed from Luxor Railway Station
Kagum tengok senibina orang dulukala. Menakjubkan.
Superbly amazing photos
Lama saya tak datang sini. Happy Chinese New Year, Mr. Thomas.
Am amazed oh how they build these great temple. It withstand the force of nature for so long. Unlike modern buildings.
The richness of history in Egypt is unbeatable. Beautiful pics indeed.
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