Monday, November 1, 2010

Rocks of Kubung Bluff

Kubung Bluff is a rocky high cliff at the northern end of the island of Labuan.
During its coal mining heydays this place used to host a port called Raffles Anchorage
and remains of a wooden jetty is still visible till today.
The 30 meters high cliff is a good look out point those days
and the rocky beach offers some beautiful rocks and caves.

View from the cave.

A fisherman's boat speeding past.

An arrow shaped Kelong pointing north.

A fall is fatal here.

Ali's kelong.

Tanjung Kubong beach after this rocky stretch.

Tanjung Kubong the northern tip of Labuan.

View Kubung Bluff in a larger map


  1. damn.. this is so so so so so beautiful!!!!!! :) wish could be @ this place now

  2. oh wow. I thought I'd seen everything of Labuan. This is beautiful. I did see a long stretch of cliff when I was there but I think it was a different one. thanks for sharing.

  3. memang takde orang ramai pergi sana ke? nampak lengang je..

  4. kiterkitikitu,
    You are always welcome to visit.
    It could be the same cliff but view from Lubuk Temiang beach or maybe it is the cliff at Pancur Hitam Beach on the west of the island.
    Tempat ini hampir 1km dari jalanraya,terpaksa berjalan kaki,kalau hujung minggu adalah kaki pancing di tepi batu2 ini.

  5. wow impressive photos my favorite is the one where we can see a boat sailing away :)

  6. Gaia Eos,
    Looks like you're one who like to be free
    probably sail away into infinity.
