Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Anthony's wild orchid shed

My brother's wild orchid shed is blooming with flowers,
almost every week a new plant will be flowering,
some lasted a few days or weeks  but some only for a few minutes
all these were collected during his years of jungle outings.
Most of the photos are taken by him with his Canon G12.

Dendrobium Secundum

An octupus like  unknown species.

Robiqueta Spatulato

Buldophyllum Patens

Another unknown species.

Frickingeria Comata

Unknown species.

Dendrobium Farmeri


Thecostele Alata

Dendrobium Anosmum

The small shed of biodiversity saved from the timber loggers.

A green grasshopper.

Spider guarding his catch.


  1. wah..new font~ cantik orchid ni buat hiasan kat rumah..

  2. the photo was so nice...hope i can capture photo as nice as yours

  3. The green grasshopper is so disgusting..

  4. wow. I get some serenity in the mind by just looking at those pics.They r beautiful.

  5. i remember when i was studying in boarding school,
    they used orchid scientific name for class, sport house, dorm..
    my dorm name is oncidium.
    i have a hard time to remember all those name. hehe.

  6. colorful, vivid & so beautiful...
    lovely caption of the beauty of the Flore ...
    simply adore it ^_^

  7. Omg u managed to catch a pic of the grasshopper.. very green and bright, nice!! Though I prolly wont find it nice if I see it in real life haha!

  8. Thomas...u bikin I jeles maaaaa...bcause I ni 'orchidmania' hehe...I takde lagi spesis tu..

  9. lawa buga ye...mai sekuntum...hehe

  10. very nice orkid..i like all this pic..thanks 4 sharing
