Saturday, January 14, 2012

Labuan GT2 shutdown crew

A group photo of the shutdown crew of the GT2 major inspection
at SESB Patau-Patau Power Station in Labuan
consisting staff of TNB Remaco,SS Mega Sdn Bhd and Truth Bound Sdn Bhd.
(all except the group photo are taken with a phone camera)

The three musketeers.

Wong and Hazahar removing the GCV SRV .

Richard giving the signal.

This is what we called by hook or by crook,
since we don't have a hydraulic device on site.

and this is the crook to replace the hook.

Angkol,Jeffry and John removing the compressor stator blades.

Andros and his cabling works.

Michael Taka and his pile of scrapped cable.

A very busy Job Manager.

Jalai and Angkol drilling the shroud pin holes.

One man show,
Aniff doing the NDT of the IGV blades.

Rotor lifting.

Inlet casing.

Removing  something from a tight spot.

Brand new Flender Load Gear Box.

Rotor guides for lifting and installation.

Bearing no 2 lifting tool.


  1. Interesting topics 'm excited.

  2. tengok senang...tapi kerja macam ni bahaya sungguh...

  3. Oooh, my big bro is working on the rig in the mid of ocean and is not allowed to capture any picture unless he is given the permission. But, of course, it is a different place so rules must be different hehe. Just saying.

    Btw, why not show me what you do off the camera ;p

    1. Rad,
      that's a power plant on land,
      i don't do much work except talking,
      i mean telling people what to do,he!he!

  4. sungguh foto yang mengandung ber-juta cerita tentang manusia dengan pekerjaan dan perjuangan hidup-nya yang very amazing..

  5. already engrossed in work Thomas all the very best to you take care my friend ;)

  6. Very impressive.. working with huge machine.. amazing..

  7. everyone seems to be busy at work :)

  8. oh it must be a very hard job...huge machine ya..

  9. where's the D'Artagnan to the 3 musketeers?..hehe..


    1. Cheqna,
      D'Artagnan is following not far behind.

  10. takut nya nampak semua alatan yang besar2...
    kalau tertindih tu mesti terus mati...
    hati2 bila bekerja ya thomas!

    1. simanis,
      jgn takut,peralatan yg digunakan diperiksa dgn rapi sebelum digunakan
      dan tidak ada org akan berada dibawah beban yg tergantung.

  11. Hi Thomas, thanks for sharing the pictures. I've always wanted to see with my own eyes how people carry out maintenance/servicing of gas turbines & how they look like when 'naked'.

    I have some idea now. BTW, what's the generating capacity of that GT? & how long did you shut down for the inspection/servicing?

    1. de engineur,
      This GT can generate about 34mw
      and it was shut down for almost 2 month for the major upgrade.

  12. Wah looks like a tough & complicated job! O.O
