Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rocks of Tanjung Tembeling

Some photos of the rocks of Tanjung Tembeling
in Kuantan on an eventful week.
This is the Dog Head Rock
as the fishermen of Kuantan used to call it
when they pass by the cape.


In a very hectic and suspense filled week of the Lahat Datu Standoff
and as we pray for our beloved Sabah,'The land below the wind'
and the most beautiful state in Malaysia,
pray that we as a nation will overcome this great challenge in front of us,
that the intruders will be overcome with the greatest might,
that men from our arm forces will be safe
and that we can regain back the peace
that we have always enjoyed.


The Tanjung Tembeling Resort.

This beach is a bit tricky when the high tide comes in
so make sure you are out before that
or else you might be stranded by the rocks.

'Dare to Love' on the sliding rock

The sea lion head rock.

Fishing net waiting  for the rising tide.

Uprooted tree.


  1. dog head rocks...mmg sebiji mcm kepala dog hehe...bersih ja kawasan sekitarnya..

  2. Beautiful beach with some rocky shore great for picture taking. unset/sunrise would be perfect.

  3. the rock really does resemble a dog's head :) nice ^_^

  4. wow. this place is seriously beautiful. Can't believe there are so many beaches in the East Coast that I've never heard of.
