Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tanjung Tokong Search Light Battery

The Search Light Battery of Tanjung Tokong 
build by the British to defend Penang during the World War 2
might look real obsolete today
but that's the best option available then
at the time when radar was yet to be perfected.

The first search light is right at the edge of the cape,
only time can tell how much longer it can stand up there.

a great view and an excellent fishing spot too.

the second search light.

the watch tower.

the entrance of the Chinese Temple.

 the old Tanjong Tokong Temple.

thomasllp's Searchlight Battery of Tanjung Tokong album on Photobucket

View Tanjong Tokong Search Light Battery in a larger map


  1. lalu ja..tak pernah singgah...but my bro biasa memancing kat situ..

  2. Good to see these historical monuments still preserved by the beach

    Duncan In Kuantan

  3. a nice view looking out form the searh light :)

  4. sayang senang melihat foto2 di sini...bagus2 dan sangat sensasional :-)

  5. It has survived more than 50 years. Should last another 50 easily. The old timers knew their buildings, we still have many old buildings standing tall. Lovely pictures!

  6. agaknya berapa lama ianya boleh bertahan, ya?..100years i guess..

    1. Sue Bee,
      Sudah lebih 70 tahun ia bertahan,
      mungkin dapat tahan 100 lagi kalau tak tumbang akibat hakisan laut.

  7. I agree - that's a perfect fishing spot!
    Thanks for your comment in my watery post. The lake located in my husband's hometown. He himself doesn't know the accurate history about the lake.

  8. Would never know of its existence if not for your effort. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I like the third and second photo from the top...thanks for sharing the little bit of history.

