Monday, February 6, 2017

Decommissioned Upper Ulu Langat Mini Hydro

Frozen in time,the upper station(Ulu Pangson),
part of two which makes the Ulu Langat Mini-hydro Power Station
commissioned in 1927,the second Power Station in colonial Malaya
after  Sempam,  is situated at the end of a 1.5km long
bumpy uphill gravel road,off the Ulu Langat road.

Decommissioned in 2001 the place is already showing signs of decay,
perhaps something more need to be done
besides the nicely trimmed grass,
restoring and conserving the main parts of the plant,signage leading to the plant
and promoting it as a tourist attraction together with the local tourist operators
might help to preserve it
or if all else fails why not install a new turbine and get it running again
instead of wasting the available free energy.

The main building of the Upper station,
with turbine,control panel and transformer all  squeezed inside
similar styled to the one at Sempam,Raub.

For every unique place there is always someone behind it and
this one  was due to the great effort of miner George Simms
who turned his interest in tapping the hydro electric resources
in the area into reality.

Losing those walls helps to dispell the eeriness
of the place especially when you go there alone like me.

safety is always above all