Sunday, October 28, 2018

Turtle Rock of Rantau Abang

The Legendary Turtle Rock of  Rantau Abang
 is situated on top of a small hill
 about 2.5 km off the Dungun to Kuala Terengganu main road.

It looks very much like one when view from this side.

the legend says......

a view from the top of the hill

a signage leading to Bukit Penyu (1.7km)

One for the road,my son next to the rock.

Silica sand mining activity  along the way


  1. Yes Mr Thomas. Nampak sama seperti seekor penyu sedang mendongak kepalanya ke atas.

  2. Thanks for the memory, Thomas. I think i visited this during my teenage year under one of our school trips.

    By the way, this weekend Mines have science fair. Bring your boy there la. google KLSEF.
