The Power Plant with a maximum output of less than 40MW,
is powered by 2 sets of Hitachi Frame 5 Gas Turbine running on Mark 1 controls,
ie on valves!
Due to lack of foreign exchange and UN embargo,they have been running the GTs without any routine maintenance so only breakdown maintenance is done.
View Myanaung Power Station in a larger map

The flag pole in front of the Plant.

Front view of the plant.

The Control Room

The exhaust and lube oil coolers.

The inlet plenum.

The load gearbox.

The other GT is running at full capacity.

The auxiliaries compartment.

Combustion chambers.

inlet plenum.

Accessories gear box

First stage shrouds numbered and ready for preinstallation to mark pin holes.

Drilling of pin holes in progress.

installing the turbine rotor,the overhead crane failed,luckily i managed to press the emergency stop button before any damage was done,later we did the lowering with a 15t chain block.

Installing the forward compressor casing,talking about safety,do you notice almost everyone was on slippers, sarongs and without a helmet!

The thermocouples of the bottom half nozzle.

Working on the lower half 2nd stage nozzle.

The old design 2nd stg nozzle is a pain,its thermocouples comes out
through the top of the nozzle and later the top of the turbine casing.

Turbine buckets and nozzles,notice the wires.

Installing the turbine casing,quite a tediuos job
considering the wheelspace themocouple wires
have to come out at the top of the casing.

A newly painted load gear box.

Gear box cover

Pinion gear.
Next is alignment.

Alignment works,under the grattings is poluted with beatlenut spittings. Talk about spittings,there was a joke about how the mighty Burmish army could lose to the boy soldiers of 'God's Army' is that they could be trace miles away before their arrival by the smell of the beatlenut that they are chewing nonstop!

This Gt is all ready to be fired up after a night of prayers by the local buddhist monk.
uik semua x pakai helmet, xdak safety huhuhu
you are here too.
keje pakai kain kn senang...nak lap minyak guna je kain tuuuu
kain pelikat la la la laaa...
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