British WW2 pillbox and ended up with 2 ex Japanese airbase building.
The villagers here are mostly fishermen who depends on the sea for a living
and some outsiders who came to build their holiday home here.

A dried up river mouth during low tide.

An evergreen toyota corolla KE30 doing the towing work.

Wild berries ready to be eaten by birds.

An angry squirrel after being chased up a tree by a cat.

An Oriental Pied Hornbill.

View Beach of Kg Sri Cempaka in a larger map
kinda look like an abandoned beach =/
Oh, those are some awesome photos you have there!^^ I love it all~
High5 on the Oriental Pied Hornbill photo - I shoot several pictures of them too~ Wee~ xD
And the squirrel is so cute!^^
thomas...nasib baik u tak kena gigit oleh tupai tu..:)
wild berries...mcm sedap ja nampaknya...!!
btw...semua pic yg u amik sangat2 cantik?
maybe ur DSLR mahal kut..:)
It's not abandoned but needs some promotion.
Erika Toh,
My hornbill shot is taken from below in a shade and is considered a lousy shot unlike yours which i assume is taken from above it.
Si Tupai marah sebab bergaduh dgn kucing,
berries itu tak tahu boleh makan tak?
Saya pakai DSLR Nikon D90,bukan yg mahal sangat.
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