subterranean tin mine in the world until the collapse of the world tin market
forced it closure in 1986 after operating for 80 years
with total length of tunnel at 322km and the deepest point at 700m down.
This sleepy hollow town was revived as a tourist destination
a few years back thanks to great effort by the government
we can now see lots of local and foreign tourist visiting and
many empty shops and houses are converted into hotel and homestay.
Famous attraction of the town is of course the old mines,the Museum,Panorama Hill,
a private Crystal gallery,suspended bridge of Kolong Pahat,
Rainbow waterfall(accessible by 4WD) and Charas Caves not far away.

The Sg Lembing Museum.

The old club house is now use as the municipal office.

Deserted street on weekdays.

The famous food stall of Sungai Lembing will be packed on weekends.

Public library.

The town's market.

An antiqued UMNO signboard.

A colonial era wooden house.

The old mines cinema,no more in use.

An old overhead crane of a workshop.

the suspended bridge at Kg Kolong Pahat.

A colonial era postbox is still in use, thanks to a petition by town folks.
Article from
Post Box Saved!
Closer to home, a small committed group petitioned to save
their post box! In mid January this year residents of the small
town Sungai Lembing, Pahang, received the news that their
81 year old post box will not be removed. Townspeople had
objected when Pos Malaysia attempted to relocate the box to
its museum in Malacca. After discussions between residents
and Pos Malaysia it has been agreed that the box will be
moved to a more strategic location in the town. It will be
accompanied by an information board as there are thought
only to be two other such boxes in the country.

An old electrical pole,looks like the only one left.

Telephone booth.

The flood camera at the police station.

And this is the view that you will get from the camera.

Sungai Lembing Museum
The town,
Some of the hotels and homestays.
View Sungai Lembing Museum in a larger map
sungai lembing banyak dengan kesan sejarah juga tmpat perusahaan lombong bijih timah...pelbagai kaum hidup rukun.. 1malaysia sudah lama wujud di sini..dgn hati yg ikhlas dan saling mempercayai
jauh perjalanan luas permandangan
orang muo,
Yah,org Sg Lembing hidup aman sentosa.
Mata Hati,
Minda perlu terbuka juga.
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