to the tranquil village of Pasir Hantu at Perhentian Kecil Island
a place which was once shunned by early inhabitants of this island
because they used to see what looks like people waving at them
when they approach the sandy beach by boat.
It was much later on that one of their leader by the name of Batin Jamal
managed to bring all the people living scattered around the two main island to live here
and thus overcoming the myth of the sandy ghost.
Villagers here mostly depended on the sea for a living
by being fishermen,taxi boat operators and working in the hotels.
My way back is by walking on an uncompleted path
and following the power lines.

A view from the jetty.

A well kept beach where sweepers comb the beach daily looking for rubbish.

The diesel engine power station of the island,
part of a hybrid power system which includes
solar power and wind turbines.

The beginning of the walking path back to Long Beach,about 100 lamp poles to go.

The end of the road
and i have to continue by following the power lines
to get back to Long Beach.
Luckily there are no poisonous snakes here
besides some python and lots of large lizard.

Two broken pole was spotted ,number 87 and 100,
the power lines are from the wind turbines and solar power station.

The best view i can get of Long Beach on the path.

Pole number 50 is beside the path to Coral Bay
and signals my arrival back to Long Beach.

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