are what brought me to the landlocked country of Laos.
It was a few years ago when i first saw it while looking through Google Earth
and i told myself that one day i must be here to see it for myself
and all of a sudden there was an opportunity to make the trip come true
with sis Alice just back from her solo world tour
and brother Anthony also willing to join in.

The largest and most famous jar of them all.

The circular part of this 2500 years old jar looks so perfect
and doesn't look like it had been carved.

Sand stone is used for the jar and there is a quarry site not far away
where the rocks are mined and carved to shape
and bought here by carriage probably pulled by elephants
for whatever purpose yet to be confirmed.

The only covered jar around.

The only jar with the 'frogman' carving.

A jar with a hole on it possibly cause by US bombing during the Laotian Secret War.

The small hill where the cave is looks like a sleeping Buddha from this angle.

The cave was used as a hospital during the Secret war
and it was said to have been used as a crematorium
during the glory era of the Jars.

The hole on top is said to be the chimney
and looking at the darken wall
it seems quite true.

A typical Laotion dustbin made from recycled tyres.

The chrysanthemum lined path to the Jar site.

Rules and regulations for visiting The Plain of Jars.

View plain of Jars site 1 in a larger map
Hi Thomas,saya fikir U benar2 enjoy kat sana...
wak pon penah nmpk (pictures) tempayan jars ni last time.., mesti bahaya kat situ banyak landmines kan bro thomas?
oh uniknya! wish i can see them with my own eyes..*cross fingers*
There are so many of those jars! I really wonder what they were used for? Great collection of photos :)
Duncan In Kuantan
Wak Gelas,
Tempat ni sudah dibersihkan dari periuk api,
kalau ada pun tidak berapa bahaya kecuali kalau dicangkul atau diketuk dgn besi.
Memang enjoy sebab kali pertama saya pergi jln2 luar negeri,
bukan utk kerja.
It was said to have been used for some sort of burial ritual,Lao story,
pengembaraan yang menarik! syabas!
Interesting reading on the history, thanks for the link n photos, didnt know of its existence..hehe.
tempat yang punya nilai sejarah yang tinggi.. terasa cuak bila mengenangkan zaman dulu2 ada periuk api kat situ. :)
Nice shot really I like it happy nice day 4U and family and keep in touch.
Great capture, Thomas.
Like they say picture tells a thousand words. These pics tell more than words can
Great historical place to visit. Thanks for sharing your travel story with us.
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