is a must see site for all who dropped by this UNESCO World Heritage Site
special for its unique cascading travertine falls.

Camera,Nikon D90
lens used -Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di 11 VC
focal length 19mm,exposure time 1/5s & apeture f/32

a lao boy doing a Titanic pose

focal length 22mm,exposure time 1/4s & apeture f/32

a relaxing calm pool

Cascading down the river

Having a shower at the cascade.

Rope swing jump from tree

An Asiatic black bear rescue centre.

Note the size is almost double that of the Malayan Sun bear.

Saved from it's paw being brewed into this tonic whisky.

Anthony having a look at the map.

Alice waiting at the entrance.

Our ride for the 28km trip from Luang Prabang to the falls
other means of transport there are by chartered tuk-tuk,mini van,bicycle or even walking there.
(note-left hand drive in Laos)

View Kuang Si Falls in a larger map
Thomas,thanks 4 sharing picture yg awesome...!!!
Really gorgeous photos, I'm sure you enjoyed your time there!
very beautiful pictures bro..The picture just comes to live when you look at it :)
the waterfalls was so amazing. nice shot!
nice sharing pics, bro.. really like all of them ^^
Lovely photos. Did not realise that Laos have such beautiful waterfall.
tenang tengok gambar di sini..sangat cantik!
nice photos from laos...thanks for sharing...
memang terbaek........
Hi Thomas,
fantastic pictures and lovely the waterfalls!
Last week I suddenly had the urge to visit local waterfalls after reading MAS mag but then I'm not into trekking for the time being..hehe.
TQ for the info on photos brought many lenses then?
I took 3 lens there and a tripod for the slow shutter
but i was using the new 17-50mm Tamron lens most of the time.
Finally, managed to see the comment box. The waterfall is so amazing and breathtaking. Looks like you was in Laos and I am planning to go next year.
wak pon dh lama X buat slow shutter atas tripod jugakkk.. ahakkss
gud job thomas..
Very nice slow shutter shots. Did you also try using ND filter to further slow the shutter speed?
Love looking at these pics!
de engineur,
i have the cokin ND2 but didn't use it
because the speed is slow enough
as the place is shady.
Speechless.. Knape ctk sgt? Boss, bila mau terbang longggg journey?
Nava K,
It will be a journey back to the 70ies.
That's for short distance right n not for the macro? At the moment I don't really carry the 2 lens I have thou I have started to bring along the mini tripod that I have, only suitable for indoor..hehe
Yah!It's for landscape and portrait because of the fixed aperture
at 2.8,i don't think i have time for macro besides the lens tends to be much heavier.
Boss mesti OK punya,Airasia ada mah,
tapi makanan halal limited sikit.
melihat gambar alam di blog mr.thomas tak pernah mengecewakan saya..
gambar yang sangat indah.. harap sangat dapat menjelajah ke sana juga nanti..
lepas ni travel ke mana pula mr.thomas? =)
Laos is just 2.5hrs away,
lepas ni ada kerja,
mungkin kalau ada kelapangan tahun depan jln lagi.
These are dreamy!
Sad. I was supposed to fly into Laos 2 weeks ago and this waterfall was supposedly in my itinerary. Huhu. Damn my job.
kembali...tururt meramaikan kawan :D
I love waterfall! But these pictures, they really fascinate me.:) cantik.cantik.cantik.
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