a site with a breathtaking view of the 3,000 feet highland
and the place Mr Yeng Thor our tourist guide from Lane Xang Travel
choose to tell the Lao stories of the Jars.

That's me above so happy to be with the jars.

The frogman theme jar lid.

Mr Yeng Thor telling his Laotian jar stories
with my brother Anthony and sister Alice listening with full concentration
while i take some shots and video.

Sis Alice standing beside a bullet holed jar.

A split jar probably during the Secret War period.

This one is split by nature.

A jar with a square opening.

MAG(Mines Advisory Group) markers to indicate safe area already clear off unexploded ordance.

Our ride to the site,a reconditioned Korean MPV.

The Jars ini adalah salah satu saksi biru peradaban manusia dari zaman ke zaman yang banyak bercerita tentang sejarah manusia dalam kebisuannya,
nice post and nice shoot :-)
aww so big. bigger than your sister. :)
so nice picture you and the jars bro thomas.., wish wak pon nak gi sana jugakk.,ahHHks
mantab...traveling kemana mana :)
nice posting :)
wara wiri ya :)
Thomas,I think their archaeologists have been working on this mystery..whether they have found the answer?
Amazing historical place!
very nice ...unique
very unique. Was this the pictures from the trip with you brother n sister that u mention in your earlier posts?
looks like historical place..
Their studies on these 2,500 years old jars are inconclusive as no one left a picture story like the Egyptian.
Puteri Kasih,
Yah,it's from the same trip,imagine 30GB of photos from a week travel!
wish i can visit this place..:)
Nice shooting of the videos (using your samsung?) thou somehow I couldn't hear clearly his explanation, but I've read about this site from the link in your previous post...interesting.
But with some UXO that have not been cleared means that its a risk to go the area without proper guide.
Video shot with nikon D90,
since they were formally a French speaking country,
slang is different more over the guide learned his American Laos English when he was at a refugee camp in Thailand during the war.
I don't think I've ever tried the video option of my camera, as my last travelling video I used video cam...I think I should try one day.
I didn't mean on the slang..that I could understand.. I think its my laptop volume system..this notebook/HPmini need to have additional speakers..hehe..
Very interesting place, and read (or rather watch)
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