as its beautiful half submerged rocks.
The locals here talk about a story of a women who gave birth to a twin,
one was a boy by the name of Jamal and his twin, surprisingly was a baby crocodile.
They cared for it until one days it was to big to be handled
that they decided to release it into the sea.
The released twin is called 'Buaya Jamal' by the locals
and it 'll return whenever there are any big occasion in the family
or during the muslim festives period to the cape.
"Buaya Jamal' was shot dead at the Pengkalan Balak beach in 1978
and it was said to have very smooth skin
and a veterinarian did an autopsy on the crocodile even though the relatives objected.
He died of mysterious circumstances soon after that.
Until today the descendants of 'Buaya Jamal' still lives by the cape
and the ritual continues with the offspring of 'Buaya Jamal'.

'Batu Terbalik' or Overturned Rock was caused by the blasting of the rocks on the cape
by the British during the colonial days for some unknown reason,
probably they are trying to turn the place into a quarry.

'Batu Tenggek' or piggyback rock is another famous rock to the locals there.

Meanwhile this rock(Batu Paus) looks like a Beluga whale surfacing for some food.

while this one looks like a giant eel swimming away
and i will named it 'Batu Belut' of Eel Rock.

The small patch of vegetation on top of this rock
must be very special for it to the able to withstand
the heat and the salty waters.
It's said to have medicinal values by the locals.

View Tanjung Bidara in a larger map
nice photos
nice shots!
I like the story. The angle of your shooting was fantastic...... keep on browsing few times......
love the pictures..makes me miss the seaside even more. Good job :)
Is the story real? Nice pics though, serene looking!
The locals knows the story well and i happen to hear it from someone who had witness the rituals of calling the crocs where it was fed 'nasi kunyit' and cooked meat.
thomas...pic pertama tu...batu tu bagaikan berada diatas awan...
nice one! i've been there about several time and stayed at tg.bidara beach lodge. the scenery is awesome! but the sea is been polluted lately
nice shot and nice scenery..
the photos are just amazing...i love the lonesome atmosphere where the rocks are left to the crashing waves of the shores they stand out so strong....peaceful & restful place for another reflection take care Thomas ^_^
Cantiknya pemandangan, betul2 boleh memberi ketenangan
I always thought Sabah has the best beaches in Malaysia but looking at those pictures (here and your other posts) makes me think that may be I haven't explored enough yet. This Tanjung Bidara is definitely beautiful with all the peculiar rocks and all. Definitely one in the list. Thanks for sharing this Thomas. :-)
love the slow shutter blog..
very nice it very much;)
Sabah beaches are still the best,
you should know that waters on the west coast of M'sia are not as clean due to polution from rivers
flowing into the narrow Malacca Straits.
ND filter for some of the pictures ker bro.. gudjobb
tak pakai ND masa tu,ambil shot slow shutter tu lepas sunset,730pm keatas baru jadi.
nice scenery..:)
Nice pics. Dah lama tak pergi sini
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