beside the almost forgoten Fort Supai is said to be a brain child of
Haroun Perancis a journalist cum political book writer
until his untimely death in 2007.
If will certainly boast a beautiful scenery and sunset
by the Linggi river mouth if fully completed.
Even in its abandoned state the place can still be an attraction
for shutterbugs and anglers just like
Kelly's Castle of Batu Gajah,Perak.

The place looks clean even after been abandoned for some years.

Over head walkway to connect the buildings.

'Guest' will just have to walk down the stairs for a dip into the waters.

A wall decorated with local laterite rocks and an altar like built in cabinet,
probably to be used as a pigeon hole for room keys.

Fallen trees decorates the nearby beaches.

Anglers as usual at any river mouth waiting for a bite.

View Abandoned chalet of Fort Suppai. in a larger map
Nice house plus the bonus of facing the beach.
Is it possible this project will be complete in a near future
wah nice pictures bro..puteri belum sampai sini lagi :(
too bad the house was not completed and is left to its own...such a great place to live... perfect retreat for peace & rest take care Thomas ^_^
Thomas...bila I tgk pic tu..I tingat Kellie's castle pulak..
Looks like a very good photography spot to me. :-)
very nice
photo u memang A+++ lah, Masa kecil dulu pernah berangan nak buat rumah tepi pantai. sayangnya 'istana haroun' abandoned begitu saja.
Old and abandoned. Very nicely taken!
Hi Thomas! I'm on n off again..hehe..
Anyway, this could be a lovely site to go for holiday should some developers able to take over the project :-)
sebelah kg cikgu ni
Sayangnya banglo besar tu terpaksa ditinggalkan begitu saja...
hi thomas, wak baru balik dari kuala linggi fort ni (27 Oct 2012), bangunan ni semua dh kena roboh dan ratakan.. maybe they want to built new buildings or attractions..
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