he is from Kapit and after listening to his Kapit talk,
i have decide to one day drop by and see this interior lost world of Sarawak before the roads arrive and today is the big day.
The journey started in Bintulu Bus Terminal at 7.30 am with Lanang Express Bas,a very spacious VIP style 3 seats in a row type.It took us 3 hours to reach Sibu despite the bus driver making some side business of picking up passengers along the way and a mandatory stop over at Selangau.
very bright and airy.
Took a taxi from here to the Express terminal where we,me and Edward book the ticket and went off to the top of market for a quick lunch after which is where we were side tracked by a parachuter.

A BASE jumper checking the wind on the roof of the 28th floor of Wisma Sanyan the tallest building in Sarawak.

By the way the parachuter didn't land on this building.
The landing point.
Sibu Express Terminal is very much grander than the bus terminal.
This is how far that we have to go,126km by river.
Mr Edward Billy came along too.
funny in a timeless place like Sarawak people can be so punctual
unlike those ever busy people in peninsular or Malaya(ie what the locals here call us)
who are always late by half an hour.
The Captain's cockpit.
The engine room badly needs some insulation around it to cut down on the noise level.
Equipped with a powerful 1,350 horse power V12 diesel engine.
And a smaller auxiliary engine to generate electricity for the lightings ,tv and most important the air conditioner.
An Express Boat
A barge full of logs going down the river to be process.
Most of the long houses along the river are under the threat of soil erosion because of their close proximity to the river and the other major culprit is the continuous cutting of the rainforest for timber,plantation and lately for hydro electric dams.
A very-very long house.
Timber logs line up along the Rajang river waiting to be collected.
Song town.
Its jetty.
Song is 21km from Kapit,this where the new road to Kapit is suppose to come from and once an foreall connect its 15km of inland roads to the outside world.
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