it was a very smooth and pleasant ride.
This is what you will see when you approach the town from the jetty.
The Orchard Inn is where we put up for the night.
The catholic church.
The kenyalang(hornbill) round about.
View of the Teresang Market from my hotel window.
Wild life is a common sight here(i meant half done ones),these are civet cats or 'musang',
talking about it,i haven't seen a wild monkey in my 3 years on and off in Sarawak,
unlike in Klang where i will see many when i open my window every morning.
Dabai fruit on the left (the dark ones) and this 'mata kucing' fruits with green skin,
the locals call it ' buah isau',this is the first time i have seen it.
One 'Kong' or tin cost RM5.
Tommy Paska and his prize fighting cock.
He was missing for a year from work and have been a fulltime cock fighter for almost a year now,too bad i arrive late for a cock fight,if not it will be another good experience for me and after some persuasion he agreed to come back next year if there is any job in Bintulu.
Actually we need him to spice up our work site with his Kapit talk, a sort of Texas talk.

The fighting cock or 'ayam sabong' in malay.

The fighting cock or 'ayam sabong' in malay.
These are their huts,they live alone (tied to the hut) and do not mix around,
every other chicken are their enemy ,except the females ones.
Dry padi field,this is of the padi bukit(hill)variety
and it is planted behind his house which is build on a 3 acres plot of land.
He also have 2 canvas pond fill with 1000 catfish, his first attempt in aquaculture,he replace the water once in 2 days with water from a stream in front of his house with an electric pump.
This is the Isau fruit tree and it is bearing lots of fruit.
This project by the river in front of the town is jinxed,
people here says because it is build right in front of the Tua Pek Kong temple thus obstucting
the happenings at the temple which is suppose to be beside the river.
The Kapit's Waterfront,at about 100m long , i think it is the shortest one in Malaysia,
but taking into consideration the name of the place,the word kapit in malay language means squeeze,then it should be alright.
Edward by the riverside.
that's me
The new Kapit Express Jetty,to be opened soon.
What are you doing in Sarawak?
When I was in form 2 in the sixties, it took a whole day and 1/2 a night to go to Kapit. By those double storey motor launch. I think already extinct.
I am working outstation in a Bintulu oil and gas plant,doing maintenance work which normally last for a month without rest and will go back to base in Klang after the job.Travelling around is usually done after we finished the job,resting our tired bodies before going home.
It now takes about 3hrs up and 2hrs down from Kapit to Sibu,in about maybe 3 to 4 years we might have connecting road.
what month do you visit kapit- i wanted to know he season of buah isau.. tq!!
I went there on the 31st Oct 2009
try ask here whether it is still in season
terima kasih thomas, ia sudah hampir habis. i wll try to go there next year! dahlan, kuala lumpur
nice capture on the Musang and Isau fruits. These things you don't see everyday.
yah!the isau fruit is very nice,
my next interior destination is Belaga.
interesting pictures..mmm ayam kena sabung...:(
save 22 satu
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