I should go to Perhentian one of these days. Lovely place, no wonder my friends love going there. Some just got back from diving over the weekend, trip which I definitely couldn't follow, I don't/can't swim, what more diving..hehehe.
Having read this and your previous post on Perhentian Kecil, I really wanna go there now. Just so happens a colleague of mine has just returned from there and I was so excited seeing all the photos he took there. Soon. :-)
wow thomas I miss this place alots.... some of the place look very familiar especially island arounds...... teringat masa mukat dalang dulu... thanks bro
foto perahu dengan latar langit yang kemerahan itu...subhanallah sungguh indah sekali, it's amazing moment...selamat sambut bulan suci Ramadhan...mohon maaf lahir dan batin :)
Wow, nice photos you have here.
I love the sky with those clouds.
Such a paradise.
You must have spend some time at the beach, capturing the sceneries from dawn to dust, lovely as usual.
looks very peaceful..love the pictures :)
pic waktu senja paling cantik.. nice sharing, bro ^^
Hi Thomas,
I should go to Perhentian one of these days. Lovely place, no wonder my friends love going there. Some just got back from diving over the weekend, trip which I definitely couldn't follow, I don't/can't swim, what more diving..hehehe.
I can swim but i choose hiking on the island.
Having read this and your previous post on Perhentian Kecil, I really wanna go there now. Just so happens a colleague of mine has just returned from there and I was so excited seeing all the photos he took there. Soon. :-)
bestnye pemandangan kat situ.. hilang tension tengok gambar2 nie..
saya benar-benar sukakan suasana pantai pada waktu senja...sangat romatik..
wow thomas I miss this place alots.... some of the place look very familiar especially island arounds...... teringat masa mukat dalang dulu... thanks bro
Perhentian Kecil looks like a very nice place to go for a vacation. Nice photos you have there
From photos and movies, I come across the view of beautiful Terengganu islands!
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foto perahu dengan latar langit yang kemerahan itu...subhanallah sungguh indah sekali, it's amazing moment...selamat sambut bulan suci Ramadhan...mohon maaf lahir dan batin :)
May be I could follow in their future trips and do that instead. :-)
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