done for JEL by TNB Remaco on July 2002 at MEPE's Hlawga Power Station,
a 150 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant then.
The machine was downed due to excessive overused
and Foreign Object Damaged on its compressor blades.
Records of another job at Myanaung Power Station(Page 718)
Crew members on arrival at Yangoon International Airport,
this job was made possible by the efforts of our daring and hardworking engineers
especially Mr Azahari Yussof and Mr Mohamed Iqabal Mura Sahib,
who were willing to take up the challenge to venture into the unknown.
MEPE's Hlawga Power Station.
The office and control room building.
Electric distribution board,Myanmar's Style.
A zinc roof over the casing.
IGV gears and blades installation and pin's hole drilling.
Inlet casing.
Drilling of shroud pin holes.
Local bare hands and foot TIG welder.
Turbine shroud installation.
A short rest and visit to the Jade Museum for the crew members from TNB Remaco and JEL
Photo with the World's largest Jadeite Boulder.
A reconditioned rotor by the former PT Hickam, now Sulzer
of Indonesia awaiting turbine buckets installation.
Preparing for rotor installation.
1 stage Turbine buckets installation.
Tightening the load shaft coupling bolts Myanmar's style.
Final alignment works.
Pushing the turbine compartment sideways with a 30 ton Facom jack.
Load shaft turning tool
Turbine to load gear box alignment.
Dinner time with the local MEPE Station staffs.
View MEPE's Hlawga Power Station in a larger map
wahh, mcm bodypart autobot ^^
yah! mcm yg pengisar bangunan.
GOOD share! Thanks!
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