was one of the worst hit area by coastal erosion
until a few rocky structure protruding out to sea was build there,
the structures or groynes at Batu Manikar beach
is part of beach stabilizing project
along the west coast of Labuan.
One of the two solar powered lamp at the groynes.
A hot spot for anglers and i meant a real hot one without any shade.
a panorama view.
a dead tree still standing tall by the beach.
View Batu Manikar Groynes in a larger map
The water is fabulously clear and its sure a place I spend hours, sitting and admiring the burst of waters.
Cantik... Manikar beach ni dkt Labuan ke?.
the water and the sky is almost the same..so clear. Beautiful :)
In your line of work, I envy the part where you have the pleasure of seeing beautiful places.
tempat sheraton hotel ke thomas
Sheraton Hotel(sekarang Grand Dorsett)di bandar,
tempat ni dekat Manikar Beach Resort(Sekarang Palm Beach Resort)
That's a great effort in preserving the beach, one of my favourite places. My wife used to study in Labuan, beautiful place. Love the blue skies!
Duncan In Kuantan
cantiknya...bersih ja persekitarannya...
love the blu colour... tenang je. :)
Wonderful shots, Thomas. Love seeing the beautiful and clean beach.
Thanks for dropping by :)
wow...nice sceneries shoot.. Rilex sangat
I'm addicted for scenarios like this are really impressive and amazing
Ah, I saw that metal pole when I drove past there last time. I didn't know it was a lamp post. Nice pics as always. I'd love to go there again.
I like it that they have solar powered lamps installed there. Less intrusive compared to pulling cables along the beach.
seperti biasa, sy suka semua pic kt entry ni ^^
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